Alice at the Palace

It had been a long journey and it seemed to Alice so long since she had first stepped through the Looking Glass into the new world that lay beyond. But here she was finally at the eighth square. She threw herself down to rest on a lawn as soft as moss, with little flower-beds dotted… Continue reading Alice at the Palace

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The Importance of Ownership

The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. (Karl Marx) The system of private property is the most important guarantee of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not. (Friedrich August von Hayek) The right to private property… Continue reading The Importance of Ownership

Should We Celebrate “Diversity”?

Should we celebrate diversity? To ask the question in the current political climate in the Anglosphere is to answer it: to respond with anything less than an enthusiastic “Of course we should!” is to risk upsetting all the lovely people in the picture above and worse, to invite the wrath of the Cancel Culture squads… Continue reading Should We Celebrate “Diversity”?

Hurtling to Oblivion

Captain’s log Stardate 76342.1; We are proceeding through the Orion nebula system, having just emerged from warp drive. The crew are in good spirits and looking forward to the festive season; The crew are putting up the seasonal lights and streamers in the bridge, much to Spock’s consternation…. Cap’n, ye have tae see this. A… Continue reading Hurtling to Oblivion

Equity Explained, Part 3: A Return to Fairness

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images

As outlined in part 2 of this essay, equity as part of the EDI agenda represents a thoroughly dishonest and dangerous process of institutional capture, which subverts the historical trend of the rising freedom and empowerment of individuals, but also dissolves the natural bonds of affinity and sociality between individuals in organisations by a subtle… Continue reading Equity Explained, Part 3: A Return to Fairness

Equity Explained, Part 2: The Misdirecting Hand

Misguidance in business.

“I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.” (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, US congressional representative and activist) Equity is defined as the quality of being fair and impartial (OED). As such it is uncontroversial and clearly a good thing, something we should all… Continue reading Equity Explained, Part 2: The Misdirecting Hand

Equity Explained, Part 1: The Promise and Problems of Equality

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” (George Orwell, Animal Farm) A new wind, balmy and soothing, is blowing through the halls of academe, the corporate world and civil society generally. Its name is equity, diversity and inclusion, frequently known by the acronym EDI. Its very suggestive reasonableness – even… Continue reading Equity Explained, Part 1: The Promise and Problems of Equality

The Stars at Night, Episode 51: Cosmic Symmetries

HelloandwelcometoanotherliveepisodeofTheStarsatNightwithmePatrickMoore. Myguestthiseveningisnotwithusinbody [S**t, Patrick] butverymuchinmind. ThereasonisduetothecutsattheBBC – tofundwokehistoricalre-enactments [Cut, for f**k’s sake] – thatthespacededicatedtoscienceprogrammes istoosmalltofit hisentourage. No, it’snotBrianMay, whoiswithusinthestudio (althoughwedon’thavemuchroom formuchelsethanme, [Right] Brianandhishair), buttheheir [Groan] toNewton, thepresentLucasianProfessorofMathematicsatCambridgeUniversity, Professor Stephen Hawking, whojoinsusonline. WelcomeStephen ………..It’s-a-pleasure-to-be-here-Patrick Youareofcoursefamousforthebook ABriefHistoryofTime, which, I understand, tieswithUlyssesasbeingthemostpopularbookthatnoonehasread [S**t, Patrick] ……….Yes-that-is-correct……….the-nature-of-time-is-very-complex……….very-few-people-understand-it……….perhaps-only-Einstein-and-myself-have-understood-it Andyet youwroteabest-sellingbookaboutit ……….Well-Patrick…………I-needed-a-way-to-fund-my-entourage-and-addiction-to-advanced-voice-simulation-technology…………Ha ha! Stephen, can I ask you a question? ……….Yes-Brian……….By-the-way-my-wives-and-I-enjoyed-your-series-on-Wonders-of-the-Universe Er,… Continue reading The Stars at Night, Episode 51: Cosmic Symmetries

Counting the Cost of Social Justice

It is a key feature of the Culture Wars that they tend to be winner-takes-all affairs. This is arguably because both sides tend to adopt rights-based approaches, then to assert mutually incompatible sets of rights. But is there not a more fruitful way of conducting moral discourse whereby the protagonists of both sides engage with each other in a less confrontational manner?

When the Lionesses Roared

Lionesses' Victory Parade

“That was a lot of fun.” “Absolutely!” Thus began the conversation between the two young men who had just installed themselves with a couple of pints of ale in the corner of the Horse and Guardsman public house in Whitehall not two minutes down the road from Trafalgar Square where the victory parade of the… Continue reading When the Lionesses Roared

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