Blessed Are the Equity-Deserving

We trace the origins of the concept of equity in the promotion of social justice in Canada. Rather than preventing denial of opportunities and benefits it has entrenched the same through the designation of “disadvantaged” groups whose members are deemed “equity-deserving”, in contrast to the others who are not. The UK should learn from the backlash this is generating in Canada.

The Decline of Virtue

It was observed by Haidt (2012) based on his moral foundations theory that the difference in perspective between liberals and conservatives is not so much in the values they espouse as in the weights they assign to them, with liberals in particular citing the embodiment of care (kindness) as the overriding moral imperative at the… Continue reading The Decline of Virtue

Beyond the Culture Wars – An Enactivist Approach

To understand the Culture Wars which characterise much of what passes for political debate in Anglophone countries these days, it is important to understand their roots in identity politics, defined as political or social activity by or on behalf of a racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other group, usually undertaken with the goal of… Continue reading Beyond the Culture Wars – An Enactivist Approach

On Stereotyping, Part 2 – Should stereotyping be considered harmful?

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In Part 1 of this article where I asked Is it OK to stereotype people?, I pointed out how modern cognitive science, understood in particular in terms of the paradigm of Active Inference, leads us to conclude that stereotyping is intrinsic to all observing, understanding and learning. So any attempt to stigmatise people for engaging… Continue reading On Stereotyping, Part 2 – Should stereotyping be considered harmful?

On Stereotyping, Part 1 – Is it OK to stereotype people?

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It is a commonplace assumption that stereotyping people is a bad thing which we should do our utmost to avoid. Perhaps this is a position you would agree with, on the grounds that it is wrong to make generalisations since this can result in us misjudging people and potentially treating them unfairly. But I would… Continue reading On Stereotyping, Part 1 – Is it OK to stereotype people?

“Know Thyself” Is the Beginning of Science.

Scientists should understand themselves as both learners and active creators of knowledge, according to a recent research paper on “Distributed Science: The Scientific Process as Multi-Scale Active Inference.” The study disputes the traditional inductive scientific method and suggests a Bayesian model, whereby multiple theories are weighed side by side for plausibility. The model also factors in the role of personal and community-wide interests affecting scientific advancement. Caution is called for when interpreting science-based policies, since scientific understanding is always evolving.

Maaate! Your virtue-signalling is tiresome.

Much breath has been expended criticising Sadiq Khan’s recent “Say maaaate to a mate” campaign. Opinions tend to be divided between those who criticise the campaign over its likely ineffectiveness and those who criticise it as inappropriate use of public funds. But are there not more fundamental issues at stake here which deserve greater scrutiny?

Disparage the Farage!

It was some weeks since Ziggy had been out for a drink with his friend Zara (aka Zarathustra, the postmodern-day prophet of renown) and he had been looking forward to indulging in some stimulating discussion about their favourite topic, namely the foibles and failings of celebrities (particularly of the political variety) who had been in… Continue reading Disparage the Farage!

Is Name Bias Discrimination Real?

In a recent essay Are We Biased in Our Attitude to Bias?, I sought to argue that the idea of bias is a subjective one and that an attempt to infer it is likely in itself to be subject to bias. Nonetheless, it continues to be regularly argued that evidence exists of bias in our… Continue reading Is Name Bias Discrimination Real?